create a ticket
How it Works ?

Let's see how this work ?

Support is handled only using the ticket system and it is available only to registered users.

How it works
If you want to ask a question you have to register one account at (or login if you are already e member) HERE .

Check your email address and find our confirmation email, (it could be into your spam/junk folder.)

Click on the link and confirm your email. Be sure you whitelist our email address

Ask questions or information
Login into our website and click on SUPPORT from the main menu, thank clikc on "CREATE" to submit us a Ticket with your question/s.

Read our answers
Every time we will replay to your Ticket, you will get the notification in your email address.

Click the link in the notification to read our answer and keep writing in the Ticket (you will eventually need to login in the website).

Login Problem
If you have problems to login, click HERE to logout and login agan